Jan. 4, 2022

Blonde Wand (Book 7, Chapter 14)

Blonde Wand (Book 7, Chapter 14)

After Hermione made the hood hot at Grimmauld Place, it's time for a Golden Trio camping trip! The Wilsons are discussing all the woodsy details, from Harry's progress along the hero's journey to his possibly vivid and quite frankly strange fantasies about the blonde thief in Voldy's vision. Plus the return of Sam Elliott!

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Here's a breakdown of the literary structure known as "The Hero's Journey".

This is one part of the beautiful Basin Trail (also sometimes called The Hermit Trail) in Carolina Beach, a few miles from where we live:

The lovely "likes and dislikes" scene from Amélie:

And one of the Tommy Lasorda SlimFast commercials:

And in case you'd like to hear Thomas T. Hall's Everybody Loves to Hear a Bird Sing, here it is.


Marriage Lessons: